Student Strength and Classwise Result-Physics & Electronics

Student’s Strength


Year First Year Second Year Third Year
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
2018-19 12 44 56 04 27 31 17 17
2019-20 08 30 38 04 17 21 07 13 20


Year First Year Second Year
Male Female Total Male Female Total
2018-19 04 21 25 04 18 22
2019-20 12 03 15 16 02 18


Class wise Result


Year F.Y. S.Y. T.Y.
Registered students Pass students Percentage of passing Registered students Pass students Percentage of passing Registered students Pass students Percentage of passing
2018-19 88 38 43.18 39 36 94.87 18 14 77.77
2019-20 56 40 71.42 25 21 84.00 17 16 94.11


Year F Y S Y
Registered students Pass students Percentage of passing Registered students Pass students Percentage of passing
2018-19 25 18 72.00 18 09 50.00
2019-20 25 18 72.00 17 14 82.35